Cruz builds a California leadership team of epic proportions

One of the biggest knocks against Donald Trump has been that the country cannot afford someone who requires on-the-job-training. It isn’t just the monumental task of learning what it takes to be President. It’s also the events that lead up to the election, including the nominating process. For this, Ted Cruz has demonstrated a profoundly higher understanding and it’s showing in California.

The state requires delegates themselves to be elected for their chosen candidate. To do this, an organization must be formed that establishes who the delegates are and how they’ll proceed through the process and on to the convention. Cruz is way ahead of Trump and even further ahead than John Kasich, the Governor of Ohio who should be very knowledgeable on the topic but who has demonstrated an inability to maintain his organization, let alone his campaign that has only been able to win a single state, his home state, in dozens of contests.

Breitbart highlights all of this in a piece about Cruz’s recent visit to California:

Not since Ronald Reagan has a candidate been so prepared for both the election as well as the Presidency itself.