President Edward Snowden? Well played, RT.

Under any other circumstance, we would never applaud a press organization predicting the demise of American power, particularly if it’s a publication like Russian Times. In this case, they get a pass for being creative and for getting a spot-on representation of an old Secretary of State John Kerry.

The ad, which is intended to jab at Americans while celebrating their 10-year anniversary, features a “President Edward Snowden” on the television while Kerry and an old Barack Obama reminisce over a cold beer. For message, it’s a little clever. For execution of the ad, they get a B+.

Of course, we could point out that it represents a growing sentiment that the United States is relinquishing its position of leadership in the geopolitical world stage and that the Obama administration is promoting the deterioration of power through obtuse perspectives and failed policies. Nah, we’ll just enjoy the video.

Here it is: