
Hillary Clinton Russian Sub
Unlike many of my cohorts, I happen to be a left-leaning independent. That means I’m the one who has to cover the Democratic Debates and I must admit it was the most boring political event I’ve ever seen. It made me actually miss having Jim Webb on stage constantly complaining about not getting enough time.
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Celle Germany
When history looks back on these times, it will be very challenging to trace back all of the mistakes that were made to bring the upcoming catastrophes to be. From arming of rebels that eventually became al Qaeda to acceptance of refugees through which terrorists infiltrated the west in bulk, the escapades of today’s politicians...
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US Refugee Welcoming Communities
Honest politicians (and yes, there are some) already know that there’s no feasible way for the United States to avoid being a part of the solution with the massive refugee crisis that is sweeping in from the Middle East to Europe. The only thing up for debate is whether we’re looking at something that’s spread...
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Christian Refugees from the Middle East
As many countries promote a desire and often a mandate to give preference to Christian refugees coming from the Middle East over Muslim refugees, a debate rages about the thin line between bigotry and practicality. One of the points that’s not being argued is about the status of circumstances that separate Christian refugees from Muslim...
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