
Bashar al-Assad Donald Trump
There are times when Donald Trump is wrong. The case of Syrian’s government and the Islamic State’s perspective on things are a very clear case of Trump being right and most others being wrong.
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Hillary Clinton Russian Sub
Unlike many of my cohorts, I happen to be a left-leaning independent. That means I’m the one who has to cover the Democratic Debates and I must admit it was the most boring political event I’ve ever seen. It made me actually miss having Jim Webb on stage constantly complaining about not getting enough time.
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Obama and Putin Syria
President Obama has spent the last year and a half doing as little as possible to get involved in Syria. From helping refugees to aiding the “moderate rebels” he allegedly backs, his policy has been passive at best. Now that Russia is fully backing its horse in the race, the hundreds of millions of dollars...
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President Obama and Mubarak
In nearly every case of uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa, the result of the much ballyhooed Arab Spring and subsequent revolts of different names have been bad. They’ve been bad for the people. They’ve been bad for relations with the United States and Israel. They’ve been bad for stability in the region.
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Christian Refugees from the Middle East
As many countries promote a desire and often a mandate to give preference to Christian refugees coming from the Middle East over Muslim refugees, a debate rages about the thin line between bigotry and practicality. One of the points that’s not being argued is about the status of circumstances that separate Christian refugees from Muslim...
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