The Need for Food Education for Kids #Infographic

Eating is arguably the most important component of health, particularly for children. What we eat, how often we eat, and even where we eat can have lifelong effects on more than just the physical development of kids. It can affect how they operate throughout their lives in other areas as well.

The meal habits of children has been a point of controversy for some time. First Lady Michelle Obama has made an effort to slow childhood obesity, a problem that has been growing for decades. It hasn’t been without push back; her plan has been met with animosity from children and contempt from parents who feel that the forced lunch mandates are making school lunch less enjoyable and making kids avoid eating them altogether.

This infographic on breaks down the need for bringing education about nutritional habits back to the family and the forefront of parental thought. It’s not just about educating the parents and teachers, however. The kids need to take some initiative on their own.

School Lunch Infographic