B2B Businesses: If you are not using LinkedIn Ads, you’re missing out

One can assume that if you are reading this, you may already be a fan of LinkedIn. You may use it to network with your peers, search for potential applicants, or stay up to date on industry trends – but did you know that LinkedIn ads are an amazing advertising tool and is getting better every day?

I’ll be the first to say that I wasn’t always a fan of the LinkedIn interface. From a UX perspective, it was a little – clunky. But it appears that LinkedIn developers have taken note and are making awesome strides to beef up this well-trusted social resource. Here’s a quick rundown on the updates that LinkedIn has in the pipeline and why your business needs to pay attention to.

1. LinkedIn is full of B2B prospects.

When you are looking to promote your business on social media platforms it’s important to assess what platform is going to be best for your business and provide the strongest return on investment. What is your end goal? Chances are you need to educate and inform users about your product, more than you need to entertain (although, who doesn’t like a little entertainment) – but if that is the case, LinkedIn is swimming with prospects, you just need to make sure your content is actually reaching the right people.

2. For a slightly higher price tag, you’ll get your ad in front of the right eyes.

LinkedIn advertising is not exactly budget-friendly. I’m not going to sugar coat it – it costs more than Facebook Ads when you compare the CPC, but the benefit of that to a B2B business is that prospects who genuinely need to see your ad are going to see it, as long as you set up your targeting correctly.

LinkedIn has always had targeting that included specific companies that could have an interest in your solution or product, as well as particular industries, but now you can focus on not only the industry and the companies that fall into it but the job titles, seniority levels with those companies. You can also exclude those that you know shouldn’t see your ad.

If you aren’t utilizing their remarketing code, grab it, right now, and install it on your website. If you are familiar with the Facebook Pixel, this is the same concept. You are serving your ad to people who have already visited your site and have a LinkedIn profile.

On top of a thriving advertising solution, LinkedIn now has new features that can pack a major punch with B2B marketing including live video (look out webinar solutions).

3. LinkedIn is the trusted source for content that really matters.

Okay, so we know the ads on LinkedIn are great, but some of you may be thinking, “Only my Dad surfs LinkedIn.” Well, that is where you are wrong. Business Insider’s Digital Trust Report 2018 named LinkedIn as the most trusted social media platform (for the second year in a row) and here’s why:

  • “LinkedIn continues to benefit from the professional nature of its community — users on the platform tend to be well behaved and have less personal information at risk, which makes for a more trusting environment.” (Business Insider, Dec. 19, 2018)
  • “LinkedIn users are likely more selective and mindful about engagement when interacting within their professional network, which may increase trust in its content.” (Business Insider, Dec. 19, 2018)
  • “Content on LinkedIn is typically published by career-minded individuals and organizations seeking to promote professional interests, and is therefore seen as higher quality than other platforms’. This bodes well for advertisers and publishers to be viewed as forthright, honest, persuasive, and trustworthy.” (Business Insider, Dec. 19, 2018)

As I pick up my blow horn – B2B businesses, these are your people! I’m not saying you stop everything you are doing and funnel all of your marketing budget into LinkedIn, but what I am saying is that you would be foolish not to test it and examine the results.

Learn more about LinkedIn Advertising!