The Energy Industy in 2040

It’s impossible to see into the distant future, especially when it comes to technology. Many of the things that are commonplace today were barely dreams just five years ago, yet we still have our eyes pointed to distant technological advances molded by a worldview that is more akin to Star Trek than anything that we could possibly imagine based upon the current trajectory of society.

Technology is starting to really solve the problems associated with acquiring, storing, and saving energy. The automotive industry in particular is making strides as companies like Ford, Volvo, and Mercedes are all pushing the limits beyond the standard “hybrid” or “plugin” model. They are exploring new ways to think about energy and propelling cars along the road. We can expect some pretty amazing things from them in the future.

It’s a Duck Dynasty world, not something that should give us hope that we can truly believe in. With that out of the way, speculation is always fun to consider. For example, this infographic about what the energy industry will look like in 2040 is a fun escape from today’s problems.

Energy Industry 2040 Infographic