
Apple Hack
More than three dozen popular Chinese iPhone and iPad apps, such as Tencent Holdings’ WeChat, were found to be infected with malicious malware from XcodeGhost, according to researchers at Alibaba Mobile Security and Palo Alto Networks.
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Christian Refugees from the Middle East
As many countries promote a desire and often a mandate to give preference to Christian refugees coming from the Middle East over Muslim refugees, a debate rages about the thin line between bigotry and practicality. One of the points that’s not being argued is about the status of circumstances that separate Christian refugees from Muslim...
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Fast Food Kids
Either First Lady Michelle Obama was right or she’s part of the reason that health among American children is deteriorating. The amount of fast food consumed by children and teens in the United States has risen dramatically and now accounts forĀ over 12% of the calories they eat on a daily basis.
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ATT Fiber Optics
Monday night AT&T fiber optic cables were cut in Livermore, CA just outside San Francisco. The cables carry vast amounts of information such as emails, phone calls, computer transactions, and even security camera feeds.
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Donald Trump Egomaniac
When something is so clear, it baffles those who see it when others simply do not. Thankfully, there are people who have earned enough respect that their opinions can make a difference and enlighten those who are in the dark. Conservative political philosopher and economist Thomas Sowell is one of those people and he’s trying...
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Islamic State Hackers
It may not be a surprise that the Department of Energy was hacked over one thousand times in just 4 years. There have been numerous attacks on many government agencies and they are only getting worse. How much damage has and can be done?
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Things always seem to get a little murky when one digs into a Presidential candidate’s past. There have been a handful of exceptions over the years, but hiding one’s opinions has become increasingly difficult with the permanence of social media and the speed through which the media and other interested parties can dig up the...
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On Wednesday a judge ruled that the Republicans had a right to challenge the healthcare law’s use of subsidies which they say needed congressional approval.
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Islamic State ideological seduction
As a parent, it’s difficult to imagine my children ever talking to an Islamic State recruiter online, let alone fall to their temptations. After watching a recent New York Times video, it’s easy to see how the vulnerable can be swayed. What can parents do to prevent conversion to Islam or even full recruitment into...
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ISS Crosses Sun
The International Space Station (ISS) has been circling us overhead for a long time and most people have never seen it. An opportunity arose and one photographer decided to take it, capturing it in five different positions as it crossed between the earth and the Sun.
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