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Responsive Design
Responsive web design isn’t new. Most designers are well aware of the qualities that it brings to the table, making it to where websites can often render properly and completely on devices of all ranges. It can improve the mobile experience with deviating from the full-screen website and allows designers to maintain a steady aesthetic...
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Solar Energy
It’s impossible to see into the distant future, especially when it comes to technology. Many of the things that are commonplace today were barely dreams just five years ago, yet we still have our eyes pointed to distant technological advances molded by a worldview that is more akin to Star Trek than anything that we...
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Content Marketing Strategy
When you read the articles or see the infographics about creating content for your business, you’ll find that a lot of them seem to focus on buzz words and pie-in-the-sky ideas that don’t really help. They come across more like self-esteem builders than actual functional tutorials or tips. This one is different.
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Email Marketing
Every year, we hear about how email marketing is dying, that the email companies have figured out how to detect spam but that the filters are too powerful for marketing companies to break through even if they aren’t sending spam. We hear about how email is not being used by as many people, and yet...
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Every day we hear how bad things are. The economy may or may not be recovering. The debt is too high. The government may shutdown again. We may default on our loans. Hungry people here. Poor people there.
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Those who smoke or who live or work in environments with pollutants in the air are in danger of becoming victims of lung cancer. Everyone is, really, but there are lifestyles that have a much higher chance than others.
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From the world of fuzzy science comes the theory (some call it a fact) that there’s a genetic variation that causes people to despise the taste of cilantro. Granted, the test was pretty darn comprehensive – it consisted of nearly 30,000 people.
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Content Marketing Strategies
There has always been the thought that content was considered “king” in the world of search engine optimization, but it wasn’t always the case even when people first started saying it. Things have changed to the point that today, it really is king.
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It really doesn’t matter which side of the debate you’re on. The facts about genetically modified organisms for food consumption is a topic the people really need to understand before making a decision. For some, it will be relatively harmless. Science and the US government will protect us and wouldn’t allow something too harmful to...
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They say a goal is a dream with a deadline. It makes for a great saying but is it really that easy? Well, almost. Sometimes, the easiest way to achieve your goals is to make them the right ones from the beginning. If your goal is to be rich, that’s not really something that can...
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