The guy in the picture above – you don’t want to follow him on Twitter. There are, however, other less-conspicuous signs about people that you may want to understand as you try to prune and grow your Twitter feed with the best people possible.Read More
The green movement has been fading a little in recent years. It’s not that they aren’t trying. It’s that we have accepted a greener lifestyle in many ways. They haven’t exactly declared “mission accomplished” by any means but they movement has really made an impact on the people in the United States and many places...Read More
Unless you either live in a place where the internet is not powerful enough to support online video or you’ve been living under a rock for the last couple of years, it’s clear that online videos have become a huge thing. YouTube isn’t the only player, but they certainly have much of the market cornered...Read More
There are more Lebanese people outside of Lebanon right now than there are within its borders. They are doing well, particularly in America where they have a higher expected income and take their education generally further.Read More
When it comes to space travel, unmanned vehicles are easier to take to the limits because of the lack of risk involved. If they fail, nobody dies as a result. Because of this, we’ve seen some pretty amazing things coming from the unmanned space exploration field over the past few years.Read More
From Gerald Hoyt: “I compiled this infographic using data from and the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime. The graphic displays data on how often burglaries occur vs. other nations, the influence of population size on burglary rates, the worst regions, states and cities for burglary, and starting facts about the city and...Read More
It isn’t hard. Social media is everywhere. The challenge is in finding the traction and building the voice in an emerging industry that everyone wants to get into for one reason or another. Do you have what it takes?Read More
You cannot spend too much time, money, or energy on activities or investments that don’t produce a measurable value. It’s all about ROI – Return on Investment – and all too often we see people that are heading down the wrong path by not tracking the returns.Read More
For years, we’ve all known that video was an important component of digital marketing. People are willing to spend more time watching video than reading text or viewing an infographic because it’s a passive action for them. They sit back and watch, that’s it. The impact is highlighted in the infographic below.Read More