
Food Servings
Americans eat too much. It’s a fact. We’re eating more often and when we eat, the portions are larger. It’s not across the board; many are heading in the opposite direction. Still, the trend is that more people are eating more food more regularly. It’s a “more” society. Click to view the full infographic. (Via:...
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Programmers Startup
How much money are the first programmers for Google worth? What about Facebook? Tech startups often use this to lure in top talent as the dream of building something that eventually gets huge is something that can be a professional accomplishment and a huge payday; in both cases, the effects can last a lifetime. It’s...
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Power to the People
The cost of electricity may be far from your mind at this time of year – but as anyone whose house or yard are decorated with elaborate twinkling displays will tell you, those kilowatts quickly add up. Our electricity consumption goes up during the holiday season, jot just because we’re bathing our homes in holiday...
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The younger you are, the higher the chances that you believe marriage is obsolete. In a recent study, it was revealed that 44% of Americans between the ages of 18-29 think that marriage is obsolete compared to 32% of the elderly who believe the same. Is it? Click to enlarge.
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Land Lords
There’s nothing wrong with owning land, renting it to other people, and establishing an empire through which the toils of others can translate into a place to reside. The American dream may have originally been about owning a home and building a future, but tough economic times have forced many to forgo ownership and achieve...
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Occupy This
I’ll admit it. I was extremely skeptical when the #OWS movement first started. It wasn’t that I didn’t think they had valid points or initial passion, but I really thought the momentum would die once temperatures dropped below 60 degrees. Oh, how wrong I was. Now, occupying has become a trend of its own. People...
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Pet Frenzy
More puppies are bought from stores at this time of year than any other, but those who buy their pets this season should take a look at this first. Frugal Dad found that not only is adopting a shelter pet more humane, it is cheaper as well. Click to enlarge. Source:
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Educated Employed
Not all majors are created equal. We all know this when going into college and we often make decisions based upon a combination of our interests and our professional goals. This breakdown by Mindflash shows which college majors have the best chance of yielding a job as well as those that pose challenges. Click to...
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Christmas By The Numbers
In 2010, a Christmas tree in Belgium set the world record for mot lights with 194,672. These and other interesting Christmas facts await us in this infographic by our friends at History. With Christmas just around the corner, how many of the 1.76 billion US-produced candy canes are you going to eat this year? Click...
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Malaria is a disease that the world should have already defeated completely. There is a cure, but cost and politics have prevented it from being distributed to 3rd-world countries in the quantities necessary to eradicate it altogether. The solution is to attack it at its source with a vaccine. One may be right around the...
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