Americans are known for their spending. Whether it’s on necessary items or not, we have a reputation for spending a lot of money which is why much of the global economy centers around American consumption. The holidays represent a special time for retailers for obvious reasons. How much are we spending this year? Click to...Read More
Bees. We’ve all heard horror stories about people who are allergic to them. There’s even a phobia based around them. Are there more reasons to feat them than we even know? At least in one case based upon a mistake that a replacement beekeeper made in Brazil, there are potential challenges ahead of us in...Read More
Board games, Lego, and Mr Potato Head are dead. They’ve been replaced by virtual variations, gadgets, gizmos, and Sing-a-ma-jigs. Yes, Sing-a-ma-jigs. Oh, how things have changed. Click to enlarge. Story by Automotive SEO.Read More
It’s sad, but this number shouldn’t surprise anyone. If anything, it may even seem high depending on where you work and what your opinion of your employer is. With 52% saying they’re not engaged and 18% saying their disengaged, one might wonder what it really takes to motivate employees. If one were wondering that, our...Read More
keeping more of your take-home pay is more than a way of surviving a tough economy; it can also be a powerful statement about getting off the work-spend treadmill, rejecting the greedy and sometimes even predatory practices of some financial institutions and corporations, and becoming more self-sufficient overall. Here’s what saving more of your money...Read More
The United States is far behind much of the rest of the world when it comes to recognizing and rewarding the advantages of paid leave for new parents. Some countries like Sweden offer parents rights protected by law to spend the essential time necessary to raise a child in the early years of development, while...Read More
Every professional activity requires a combination of education and experience for people to be considered “experts” in a field. How many hours does it take to be an expert in litigation? What about poker? Knitting? This infographic by Udemy takes a look at some common activities and what is required to achieve a true level...Read More
Have you ever wondered how penny auctions worked? Do you even know what penny auctions are? If you answered yes or no to either of those questions, this infographic by Game Pumpkin is for you. Yes, that was a loaded question. Don’t think about it. Just scroll down and click to enlarge. Story by Automotive...Read More
Compared to the rest of the world, the United States ranks surprisingly low when it comes to “social justice” metrics. Those watching or participating in the Occupy Wall Street movement would only disagree with the surprise-aspect of the graphic. They’re aware of the problems facing Americans today. Still, it’s amazing to see some of the...Read More
Gone are the days when groceries only cost a few dollars and paper coupong only lived inside the purses of old ladies hoping to save a few pennies. In today’s floundering economy, coupon use is more popular than ever. Losing the stigma it once had, couponing is simply a smart way to shop. It turns...Read More