
John Kasich Scrutiny
For months, John Kasich has taken every opportunity in his scarce debate moments, infrequent interviews, and low-volume stump speeches to point out how little attention he was getting from the media. As one of the three finalists for the GOP nomination, he’s going to get more attention than ever before. That attention is going to...
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With all of the attention being given to Donald Trump as the likely GOP nominee, there’s a problem that nobody seems to be discussing. Even if Trump wins Ohio and Florida, his path to the nomination is greatly hampered if Marco Rubio and John Kasich drop out. In fact, winning their states and knocking them...
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Ben Carson Suspicious Endorsement Donald Trump
As of two months ago, I was deciding between Ben Carson and Donald Trump. Ironically, it was the way that both of them handled the Ted Cruz campaign’s sharing of a CNN story during the Iowa caucus that flipped me to support him over either of them. What the campaign did was wrong, but Cruz...
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John Kasich Pennsylvania
Running a Presidential campaign has a lot of moving parts. Most of the focus is given to the hardest parts – raising money, getting endorsements, giving speeches, and winning debates. Less media attention is given to the technical side, the basics, such as getting enough signatures to appear on ballots. John Kasich’s campaign apparently didn’t...
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Donald Trump is a Crook
Reality is starting to set in that the Republican Party may actually nominate Donald Trump. It’s a worse situation than the one we made fun of eight years ago when we saw the Democrats nominate Barack Obama despite situations that made it clear he was against America. It’s even worse than nominating the soon-to-be-indicted Hillary...
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Donald Trump is Authoritarian
For those of us who have been around long enough to remember the various leaders of the world over the last few decades, it can be puzzling to see the support for the authoritarian agenda of Donald Trump. He’s not a beacon of hope, an ideological champion, or a strong leader. He’s an authoritarian that’s...
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Ted Cruz vs Mainstream Media
If anyone other than Ted Cruz had gone into Kansas projected to lose big in the polls, only to emerge with more than double the votes of second-place Donald Trump, it would be called a miracle from on high. If anyone had said that Ted Cruz was going to win Maine ahead of two moderates...
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Donald Trump Getting Tired
Before any Trump supporters cry fowl for bringing up The Donald’s age (he’ll be 70 in June), please note that we’re not doing it to start rumors. After all, Bernie Sanders is older, as is Joe Biden. However, Trump has either been getting confused recently by the complex issues facing the country or he’s having...
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John Kasich VP
Had John Kasich come out and said he was running to be Donald Trump’s Vice President, nobody would have doubted it the way he’s been operating his campaign for the last few weeks. While he says he would never take a VP role, his positive message seems to be custom tailored to represent the anti-Trump....
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Marco Rubio Maine
Here’s a strange thought, but one that we can back up with facts. If Marco Rubio is going to have any chance at all of continuing in the Presidential race and superseding Ted Cruz as the alternative to Donald Trump, he will have to do well in Maine on Saturday. Yes, Maine.
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