
Ted Cruz Oklahoma
If you listen to the mainstream media narrative, Ted Cruz was supposed to win Oklahoma. If you look at everything else from polls just prior to Super Tuesday to the alleged domination by Donald Trump over the entire electorate, you’ll notice that this was the most surprising win of the primary cycle to date. Cruz...
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Donald Trump FEC
It’s hard to throw a rock in New York, Atlantic City, Las Vegas, or Chicago without hitting something that Donald Trump owns. His footprint is huge and the diversity of his businesses makes it easy for his campaign to use those assets whenever possible. However, The Donald may be taking it to the extreme. Will...
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Marco Rubio Fiction
Behind closed doors, Marco Rubio is telling people that his path to the nomination will run through a contested convention. He’s saying these things because he’s being told these things by his Republican Establishment handlers. The reality is this: he is being played for a rube and the Establishment is trying to use him to...
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Nominate Ted Cruz
America is staring down at a precipice and the liberals in Washington DC are trying to push us over the edge. It’s not just the Democrats. Many Republican lawmakers betrayed our trust once we gave them control of Congress by squandering the opportunity to halt President Obama’s disastrous policies and massive expenditures. This has to...
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Much of what we’ve seen over the years in Democratic campaigns was derived from the teachings of Saul Alinsky. The community organizer made a career out of helping “the little guys” fight corporate and political corruption through lies, propaganda, and psychological tactics that gave us Barack Obama and that are being used by Hillary Clinton...
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Ben Carson John Kasich
As this article is being written, the Nevada Caucuses are going on. It’s my hope that the two zero-chancers for the GOP have realized that their campaigns are futile and that they are only helping Donald Trump secure the nomination. By the time you read this, my hopes may have already come true. I doubt...
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Rubio can't Win. Cruz can.
If you get your information from Fox News, CNN, or the Wall Street Journal, the narrative you’re hearing is about “Marcomentum” and how Marco Rubio has a chance of defeating Donald Trump for the GOP nomination. That isn’t simply inaccurate or wishful thinking. It’s a flat out lie.
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Donald Trump Foregone Conclusion
If you’re a stalwart, die-hard Donald Trump supporter, you’re already lost and you’re taking the party down a dark path to another general election loss. If you’re one of those who will consider Trump because you believe his victory is already solidified, read on. The path to the nomination is far from over and Trump...
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F-22 Raptor
The decimation of the United States military under President Obama requires a major upgrade. Even the most fiscal conservatives look around at the Islamic State, North Korea, Russia, Iran, and even China and realize that in the coming years, the need to have enough muscle to flex may be required to prevent actual American lives...
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Supreme Court Justices
The death of Antonin Scalia brought into focus a truth that has been barely covered this election cycle. The next President will almost certainly appoint two Supreme Court Justices. He’ll probably appoint three. He might even have to appoint four.
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