
Marco Rubio 2024
The final GOP debate prior to the Iowa caucus was the point that made up my mind. Marco Rubio is going to be a very good Republican candidate for President in a future election, but he will have his lunch eaten if he’s the GOP nominee this year. The funny part is that he’s gaining...
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Cedar Rapids Snow
Weather can change on a dime despite what climate change alarmists want to admit, but at this point the forecast for much of Iowa on Caucus day, February 1, appears like it’s going to be a factor. With temperatures at or just above freezing in most of Iowa with snow or rain forecast in some areas...
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Donald Trump Supporters Authoritarian
A recent scientific study revealed the secret to Donald Trump’s popularity. His supporters are general authoritarians that want to be told how to think and what to do. In other words, they embrace Trump as a father figure running for President.
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Tomb of the Unknowns
There may be travel advisories abound and people huddling by their fireplaces waiting for the epic northeast snowstorm of 2016 to pass, but the soldiers who guard the Tomb of the Unknowns don’t get a break. They’ll be standing guard no matter how bad the weather gets. It started on April 6, 1948, and hasn’t...
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Rand Paul Senate Seat
Mark this down on the list of things that probably won’t happen. Then again, Donald Trump leading the pack in January would have also been on that list just a few months ago, so this political season is definitely a crazy one. Democrats hope it will get crazier as they keep an eye on Rand...
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Steve King Ted Cruz Iowa
Here are the simple facts: Donald Trump wants to increase subsidies. This means more money for Big Corn which wields a great deal of political clout. It also means accepting a tax plan that will be higher for individual Iowans than Ted Cruz’s plan. In other words, Iowans must decide whether it’s worth bringing home...
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Rand Paul Senate
First and foremost, I really like Senator Rand Paul. He’s a good man with some great ideas. He’s a dedicated patriot that truly wants to help America. He can. He is. As a Senator, Paul is properly placed and will impact America’s future. With that said, it’s time to drop out of the Presidential race.
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Donald Trump PT Cruiser
As the GOP nomination process pushes along, frontrunner Donald Trump has failed to fall the way that most pundits predicted for months. Now that more people are taking him seriously, it’s time to examine why he is leading despite having the strongest pack of candidates the Republican party has seen in decades.
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Ted Cruz Eligibility
We’d love to hear Republican Presidential candidate say a variation of these words: “If my competitors don’t believe I’m eligible, they should sue me to resolve it. Otherwise, their silence is acquiescence to my eligibility.”
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Jensen Interceptor
What’s in a name?  Has been the statement made many times to let you know it’s important to not only have a great name but also the reputation to back it up.  Sometimes all you get is a great name, at other times you see a name that carry on with a wonderful reputation to...
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