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Discretionary Dough
It’s a topic that hasn’t been discussed in a while, at least not from a positive perspective. The downturn in recent years of the economy had many running for the hills and stuffing money under their mattresses because there just wasn’t enough to go around otherwise. In 2012, many have started to breath again and...
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One Nation Under Hops
Small, independent breweries have been gaining in popularity for a couple of decades, spiking over a decade starting in the late 90s and steadily rising ever since. While domestic craft breweries only accounted for 5% of the overall barrels of beer sold in 2010, the concept and practice continues to grow a larger group of...
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History of Credit Cards
The concept of credit has been around for centuries, but it hasn’t been until recent decades when the technology was available to centralize the practice and allow people to carry a card that represented their credit lines. Companies like American Airlines and Western Union pioneered the use of cards in the middle of the 20th...
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Gender Pay
One would think that we’ve evolved as a society to the point that things like race and gender no longer have a profound effect on work components such as pay or benefits, but unfortunately we’re not there yet. This graphic by Mercer breaks it down for us, demonstrating that we still have a long way...
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Retail to the Rescue
The US economy is tied directly into the status of jobs. Jobs are tied in to a large extent to the status of retail industries. As a result, the retail industry is both an important indicator as well as a source of strength or weakness for the entire economy. This graphic by Milo examines how...
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Programmers Startup
How much money are the first programmers for Google worth? What about Facebook? Tech startups often use this to lure in top talent as the dream of building something that eventually gets huge is something that can be a professional accomplishment and a huge payday; in both cases, the effects can last a lifetime. It’s...
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Land Lords
There’s nothing wrong with owning land, renting it to other people, and establishing an empire through which the toils of others can translate into a place to reside. The American dream may have originally been about owning a home and building a future, but tough economic times have forced many to forgo ownership and achieve...
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Educated Employed
Not all majors are created equal. We all know this when going into college and we often make decisions based upon a combination of our interests and our professional goals. This breakdown by Mindflash shows which college majors have the best chance of yielding a job as well as those that pose challenges. Click to...
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Holiday Spending
Americans are known for their spending. Whether it’s on necessary items or not, we have a reputation for spending a lot of money which is why much of the global economy centers around American consumption. The holidays represent a special time for retailers for obvious reasons. How much are we spending this year? Click to...
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