
When asked about dangerous animals, many people might say snakes, spiders, or other poisonous creatures. Others might point to ferocious animals like sharks, bears, or tigers. The savvy people might say that humans are the most dangerous.
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If you ever visit Singapore, you may want to stop off at the Jurong Bird Park. It’s the world’s largest when it comes to the total number of exotic birds with over 5000. Of the 400 species on display, here are 10 of the most unique and amazing birds around. This infographic comes to us...
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I don’t know about you, but sometimes I think my 7-year-old knows more about the various gadgets that fill our lives than I do. Is it really such a bad thing that I go to my toddler to fix my tablet though? Its almost like they get it better than we do, probably because they...
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Leadership Qualities
There are times when in infographic depicts mountains of data in visually stunning fashion. There are others when a massive amount of effort is put into perfecting a visualization that portrays a message. Then, there are times when a graphic simply states the truth and offers advice. These are the ones you’ll see printed out...
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Programmers Startup
How much money are the first programmers for Google worth? What about Facebook? Tech startups often use this to lure in top talent as the dream of building something that eventually gets huge is something that can be a professional accomplishment and a huge payday; in both cases, the effects can last a lifetime. It’s...
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Educated Employed
Not all majors are created equal. We all know this when going into college and we often make decisions based upon a combination of our interests and our professional goals. This breakdown by Mindflash shows which college majors have the best chance of yielding a job as well as those that pose challenges. Click to...
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Baby Benefits
The United States is far behind much of the rest of the world when it comes to recognizing and rewarding the advantages of paid leave for new parents. Some countries like Sweden offer parents rights protected by law to spend the essential time necessary to raise a child in the early years of development, while...
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Every professional activity requires a combination of education and experience for people to be considered “experts” in a field. How many hours does it take to be an expert in litigation? What about poker? Knitting? This infographic by Udemy takes a look at some common activities and what is required to achieve a true level...
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Flying High
Since the dawn of flight, being a pilot has been a highly coveted job for many young people. Airline pilots in particular get the bulk of the attention as it’s well understood that they make good money and acquire high respects from people across the nation. This infographic by our friends at Brown Aviation explores...
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