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Under any other circumstance, we would never applaud a press organization predicting the demise of American power, particularly if it’s a publication like Russian Times. In this case, they get a pass for being creative and for getting a spot-on representation of an old Secretary of State John Kerry.
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Hillary Clinton on Benghazi
Look, I get it. Political spin is a necessary evil for politicians, especially if they’re running for President of the United States. However, there comes a point when you have to start seeing through the lies and focus on the facts. That’s something that Hillary Clinton is banking on Americans not doing.
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Jerry Falwell Jr
For those who aren’t aware, we detest political correctness when it interferes with common sense. The only thing worse than political correctness when it comes to indoctrination is hatred-fueled rants that go too far. They can be even worse.
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Donald Trump Polls
There’s at least a bit of irony that a person who was born a millionaire appeals to working class Republicans the best while dropping to fourth in his party for those with higher education. That’s what the most recent CNN/ORC Poll reveals.
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There is much ado about nothing happening in Paris right now. It’s the largest gathering of world leaders ever assembled with the intention of saving the planet from the environmental evils of humanity. It represents hope, action, and unification of a divided world for a singular cause. The problem is that the attention it’s getting...
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College Christian Rights
The modern American college experience has been turning into a completely secular concept for decades and the indoctrination of anti-religious worldviews has been openly pervasive for years. It’s going even further lately. Now, Christian groups are expected to allow non-Christians to lead them.
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John Kasich Donald Trump
Yawn. As moderate John Kasich’s campaign continues to fall apart, he’s lashing out against frontrunner Donald Trump. The latest ad from the campaign points out the “dangerous rhetoric” Trump espouses in an attempt to make his own campaign more relevant. It won’t work.
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Erdogan Putin
If one would have inquired last year about the NATO member that Russia liked the most, it would have been Turkey. They’re not only heavy trade partners, but they share a disdain politically for many of the western practices that the United States and western Europe have adopted. Some might even conclude that Turkey would...
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2016 Ford F-150 White
It’s well known the F-150 is the best-selling pickup truck in the country and with the changes that were made last year the F-150 continues to be on the leading edge of technology and advancements as well.  With the aluminum body and turbocharged engines this truck is quickly leaving others in the dust where they...
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Hillary Clinton Wall Street
Don’t let the “D” that usually follows her name fool you. Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton might be very liberal on most topics, but when it comes to big business and corporate cronyism, she makes most Republican candidates seem more like Bernie Sanders.
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