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Senate Democrats
The spin in Washington DC is often hard to comprehend. It is usually shrouded in complexities and nuances that disguise intent. In the case of Democratic Senators voting down a bill that would punish illegal aliens and the areas that give them sanctuary, the motives are crystal clear.
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Hillary Clinton Barack Obama
The last few weeks have seen Hillary Clinton going against President Barack Obama on many key issues. She’s accused his stance on illegal immigrants as too harsh and pulled the support she’d given dozens of times in the past for his pet Obamatrade project, the Trans-Pacific Partnership. This is good for differentiating herself. Unfortunately, it’s...
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Palestinians Killing Jews
A group called Stand With Us has reached out to Arabs and Iranians on Facebook to show their support for Israel during this tumultuous time. They asked all who are against the incitement to kill Jews to post a picture of the front of their passport with a note attached.
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Celle Germany
When history looks back on these times, it will be very challenging to trace back all of the mistakes that were made to bring the upcoming catastrophes to be. From arming of rebels that eventually became al Qaeda to acceptance of refugees through which terrorists infiltrated the west in bulk, the escapades of today’s politicians...
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2015 Dodge Journey Information
To take a journey is to literally travel from one place to another.  There is no question of distance, it does not need to be to a remote location, and there are no requirement placed on where you have to go; it is just the act of traveling.  Since 1914, Dodge Motors has been specializing...
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Israel Palestine Peace Talks
This week representatives of the Middle East Quartet (US, EU, Russia and UN) will meet with Palestinian and Jerusalem officials to discuss actions on prior agreements that would facilitate a two-state solution.
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Obama and Putin Syria
President Obama has spent the last year and a half doing as little as possible to get involved in Syria. From helping refugees to aiding the “moderate rebels” he allegedly backs, his policy has been passive at best. Now that Russia is fully backing its horse in the race, the hundreds of millions of dollars...
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Amazon Echo
Technology keeps getting better and better.  What used to be four D cell batteries in a boom box pumping out the jams from our favorite cassettes, morphed into spinning a CD in a portable player powered by rechargeable batteries.   Since then, music has become even more accessible, playing through our phones, IPods, and even our...
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President Obama and Mubarak
In nearly every case of uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa, the result of the much ballyhooed Arab Spring and subsequent revolts of different names have been bad. They’ve been bad for the people. They’ve been bad for relations with the United States and Israel. They’ve been bad for stability in the region.
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Say what you will about social media, but its impact is profound, and wide-reaching.  As a business owner, a poor review on social media can cause a drastic decline in clientele.  As a human being, being defamed on Facebook can cause you to be a party to some suspicious glances at a social gathering.  For...
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