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The vast majority of pictures of the Oval Office at the White House are loaded with furniture. We see the decor that represents all of the various Presidents over the years, but we don’t usually get to see what things look like before the office is filled with a new President’s preferences.
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Lexus RC-F
So many sports cars and high performance models are taking advantage of turbocharged engines to get the power they want.  Its seems like common sense in the fact that with a turbocharger or supercharger in place an engine can use fewer cylinders and still get the power desired from the engine bay.  These are lighter...
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Dr Ben Carson
Any other year, this would be shocking. This late in the year ahead of a Presidential election, two political outsiders are leading the pack for the Republican party and they’re showing no signs of slowing down now. There’s even a chance that a third outsider might power her way into the mix.
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LAPD Body Cameras
Starting Monday, August 31st, LAPD will implement body cameras. It has taken two years for everything to come together.
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Mobile Addiction
Are you reading this story right now on a mobile device? If so, you’re in the majority. Because so much of the traffic that comes to this site happens on social media, it’s likely that most of the readers of this particular story are doing so on their smartphone or tablet. That’s the age we...
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2016 Honda Pilot Inside
There have been insults getting tossed at the Honda Pilot for the last couple of years. Some say it’s overrated. Others say it’s tired and no longer a top-of-the-line affordable full-sized SUV. Then, there are those who simply call it boring, uninspiring, and tediously bland in a segment of the industry that relies on flash...
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Bulletproof Coffee with Butter
Coffee is to Americans as tea is to…well, everyone else. With that being said I’d like to take a moment to thank all those Bostonian’s who helped make America one of the most productive and prosperous nations in the world. It took an incredible amount of energy to obtain that status, and there’s no doubt...
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Cris Carter
As a news source that’s fighting against mainstream media, it behooves us to keep it classy and avoid controversial headlines. In the case of Cris Carter’s recent escapades coming to light, it’s clear that we must use creative license to tell it like it is. He’s a bonehead who made a really poor choice in...
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Medical, educational, and military help wasn’t enough to get Kyrgyzstan to renew the 22-year treaty with the United States. Now, it seems like they are sending out a new message according to political analyst Alisher Khamidov: “We arewith Russia.”
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Jeb Bush Fails
Some will say that it was a silly move for Jeb Bush to speak in “hostile territory” by going to the Americans for Prosperity summit in Columbus, Ohio this weekend. Others will say that it was a test he had to take if he has any chance of appealing to conservative voters. Either way, the...
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