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There were simpler times in the past when it came to cybersecurity. The two primary types of hackers – those looking for financial gain and those wanting to cause mayhem – kept the targeting relatively isolated. It was easy to predict what could be a likely target to cybercrime.
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Chain Saw
Police offices are often put in strange situations when pursuing suspects. Officers with the Lufkin Police Department in Texas might have one of the stranger tales to tell as they chased a man in a truck who was tossing chain saws at them.
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Weaponized Drone
Imagine a drone being used in a terrorist plot. A hand grenade is attached to a drone that drops it into a crowded area. No suicide bombers to recruit. Very little chance of being caught in the act, especially considering that it doesn’t even need to be remote; programmed flight plans can have all of...
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2016 Dodge Viper ACR Rear
The new Dodge Viper ACR is more of an engineering marvel than a speedster.  With a top speed of 177 mph you might feel impressed, but this actually makes the Viper ACR the slowest Viper ever made by Dodge.  Even though this straight line speed falls short of other models, this Viper is the quickest...
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Puerto Rico
While most of the economic world was focused on Greece’s near-collapse and China’s financial woes, little Puerto Rico was stuck trying to pay off a $72 billion debt load. They could not. Their payment was missed. They will have to default.
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After struggling to keep up with competitor innovations and a challenging television sales market, Japanese electronics maker Sharp is exiting the Americas. It will sell it’s plant in Mexico as well as it’s brand in the United States.
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Edward Snowden Revelations
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden is back in the news going after the Obama administration. This time, he’s soliciting help from one of the most powerful companies in the world: tech giant Apple.
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Amazon Dash Button
If there’s something that annoys most people, it’s running out of the things that we always need. Toilet paper, coffee, detergent – having to run to the store for something simple like that can be a hassle. Amazon has the answer in their new Dash buttons.
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2015 Chevrolet SS Sedan
Face it, the average sedan can be boring.  Four doors and a modest engine spell family friendly, but not exciting or fun.  No one sits in a dreary office on a rainy day dreaming of a sedan as their most wanted vehicle.  Dream cars are sports cars with huge engines or muscle cars with that...
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Star Ship Enterprise
When British scientist Roger Shawyer first envisioned a new way to travel to the moon just after the turn of the century, he didn’t anticipate the connections that would be made between his concept and the impulse drive used by the fictional Star Ship Enterprise in Star Trek. Of course, those connections have been made.
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