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Open for Small Business
The United States hit its stride and really started proving out the concepts of pure capitalism when it embraced small business growth. While big companies have always played a role, it has been shown that small businesses are the ones that drive the economy. As small business numbers improve, the economy improves. As small business...
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The idea that pornography is spreading as a drug is one that has started taking home. However, it continues to increase and spreads to the children and teens of the world. They’re simply getting introduced to it much more easily than before because of the rise of the internet. In the infographic below, we explore...
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Chevy runs deep
As cars continue to become more technologically advanced, some are looking it as a good thing. Others see that it may be a shift that we’re not really willing to accept. Regardless of your opinion, it’s happening and many of the apps that fill our digital lives are starting to make a real impact on...
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If you ever visit Singapore, you may want to stop off at the Jurong Bird Park. It’s the world’s largest when it comes to the total number of exotic birds with over 5000. Of the 400 species on display, here are 10 of the most unique and amazing birds around. This infographic comes to us...
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Samsung Galaxy Note 3
If you couldn’t tell by the headline, I’ve grown pretty sick of these. Yes, we know. Samsung and Apple hate each other. They’re the two big dogs in the kennel. They own the smartphone market. They’re mortal enemies. Blah blah blah. But wait! This infographic is actually pretty decent. It isn’t completely slanted in one...
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Google Voice Search
This is one of those debates that can likely only be answered by the users and will be biased based upon their preference. Android lovers will say their app works the best, while iOS fans will vote for Siri. We may never have a definitive answer, but we can definitely speculate and this infographic by...
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Saudi Female Driver
It’s pretty difficult for those of us in western society to have any comprehension at all about the life of those in eastern countries, particularly those with completely different laws, lifestyles, and worldviews. Take, for example, driving. It’s something that the vast majority of boys and girls dream of doing when they turn driving age,...
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Solar Energy
It’s impossible to see into the distant future, especially when it comes to technology. Many of the things that are commonplace today were barely dreams just five years ago, yet we still have our eyes pointed to distant technological advances molded by a worldview that is more akin to Star Trek than anything that we...
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Every day we hear how bad things are. The economy may or may not be recovering. The debt is too high. The government may shutdown again. We may default on our loans. Hungry people here. Poor people there.
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From the world of fuzzy science comes the theory (some call it a fact) that there’s a genetic variation that causes people to despise the taste of cilantro. Granted, the test was pretty darn comprehensive – it consisted of nearly 30,000 people.
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