Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill will meet at the José Martí International Airport in Havana on Feb. 12 to discuss the genocide of Christians in the Middle East and Africa. This is historic; the leaders of the two churches haven’t met in nearly 1,000 years.Read More
Remember Rick Santorum, the 2nd-place finisher in the 2012 GOP primaries who barely registered as a blip on this year’s election radar? He dropped out after Iowa and endorsed Marco Rubio. As a new Chris Christie ad points out, Santorum probably backed the wrong candidate and Rubio probably wishes he never did.Read More
Voters in early primaries and caucuses have a tendency of changing their minds at the last moment. Of those who are considering changing between now and Tuesday, Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush supporters make up nearly half of them according to the latest NBC/WSJ/Marist New Hampshire poll.Read More
In 2012, Republicans virtually declawed themselves from being able to attack President Obama’s most vulnerable spot: Obamacare. Had Newt Gingrich or even Rick Santorum won the nomination, the Republicans would have been able to use the skepticism felt by many Independents to turn the tide in the election. Instead, they nominated the one man with...Read More
There’s a challenge with proposing a balanced budget amendment. It’s not popular with sitting politicians. It basically says that the freedoms that past politicians exploited to spend money irresponsibly won’t be applied to current politicians. This terrifies any politician who doesn’t have fiscal responsibility on their agenda.Read More
There is very little doubt that John Kasich really wants to be President. He also really likes Pink Floyd. Add to those facts the concept that he often makes jokes that aren’t really jokes and suddenly you have the insane potential reality of a man who just promised to reunite a classic rock band if...Read More
Republicans love to hate Jimmy Carter. He isn’t a bad man. He nearly destroyed the country in a single term of office as President before Ronald Reagan fixed things, but he wasn’t doing it out of malice. He just wasn’t very politically intelligent.Read More
There’s a good chance that Jeb Bush could be the best of the three Bush Presidents if he ever made it to the White House. It might not be saying much, but he has the tools that his brother and father don’t have. Unfortunately for Jeb, one of those tools isn’t a strong sense of...Read More
The Republican Establishment is grinning ear to ear right now. Two of the insurgent candidates are ganging up on the third in a petty effort to take him down from his leading position. It’s a sad state of affairs when just a couple of days ago things seemed so rosy for the cause of conservatism...Read More
Terrorist group Hamas has had a history of making bold claims that cannot be backed up with any form of reality. This time, they tried their best to roll out a terrifying claim, but the end result is more ridicule as the radical Islamic terrorists fail to inspire the fear they desired.Read More