So much can go into building a great logo. It’s something that lasts; most companies that want to improve their branding do not like to ever change their logo. It’s pretty much a permanent decision.Read More
When it comes to checking online for cars, more people check dealer websites than manufacturer or third-party websites. This should lead dealers to think that they need to have the best of both worlds.Read More
The modern day ad agency really needs to be on as many relevant mediums as possible. The concept of focusing simply on traditional or simply on digital is behind us. Today, proper consolidation of voice and intent can work magic.Read More
There’s a fundamental psychology behind visualizations that make them work. Reading is fine. Audio and video are often the best. When data must be seen and engulfed in order to make an impact, this is where infographics have their niche in our attentions. In this very simple infographic from Hubshout, they explore the reasons that...Read More
When you read the articles or see the infographics about creating content for your business, you’ll find that a lot of them seem to focus on buzz words and pie-in-the-sky ideas that don’t really help. They come across more like self-esteem builders than actual functional tutorials or tips. This one is different.Read More
Every year, we hear about how email marketing is dying, that the email companies have figured out how to detect spam but that the filters are too powerful for marketing companies to break through even if they aren’t sending spam. We hear about how email is not being used by as many people, and yet...Read More
There has always been the thought that content was considered “king” in the world of search engine optimization, but it wasn’t always the case even when people first started saying it. Things have changed to the point that today, it really is king.Read More
Unless you either live in a place where the internet is not powerful enough to support online video or you’ve been living under a rock for the last couple of years, it’s clear that online videos have become a huge thing. YouTube isn’t the only player, but they certainly have much of the market cornered...Read More
It isn’t hard. Social media is everywhere. The challenge is in finding the traction and building the voice in an emerging industry that everyone wants to get into for one reason or another. Do you have what it takes?Read More
You cannot spend too much time, money, or energy on activities or investments that don’t produce a measurable value. It’s all about ROI – Return on Investment – and all too often we see people that are heading down the wrong path by not tracking the returns.Read More