To truly understand the future, you have to look at the current. When it comes to business and work, the future leaders are the Millennials and the current or near-future leaders are Generation Z. If we take a look at the differences between the two age groups, you have gain a comprehension of how things...Read More
There are plenty of people out there who believe that their work a waste of time. That’s not even taking into account the amount of non-work that goes into play at the office. If we really look closely at our daily activities, we’ll probably find that we could be a heck of a lot more...Read More
One would think that we’ve evolved as a society to the point that things like race and gender no longer have a profound effect on work components such as pay or benefits, but unfortunately we’re not there yet. This graphic by Mercer breaks it down for us, demonstrating that we still have a long way...Read More
It’s sad, but this number shouldn’t surprise anyone. If anything, it may even seem high depending on where you work and what your opinion of your employer is. With 52% saying they’re not engaged and 18% saying their disengaged, one might wonder what it really takes to motivate employees. If one were wondering that, our...Read More
There are plenty of good reasons to eat good food. The biggest challenge is in deciding what “good” means to all of us. Healthy? Great taste? Inexpensive? When it comes to work, science is showing that there are reasons why good food is akin to good work. Click this great infographic from Mindflash to enlarge.Read More
Living in stress is hard enough. When one has to work in it, the toll can be double. There are ways that American workers (and workers around the world, for that matter) can effectively reduce the stress levels their employees feel at work. These are physical activities; it isn’t just a matter of taking on...Read More