There are few 73-year-olds who can draw the kind of attention that Bernie Sanders is bringing to himself. After 28,000 people came to hear him speak in Portland, his campaign for the Democratic nomination for President nearly achieved the same level when 27,500 people attended his gathering at the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena. Many...Read More
The list of reasons that drones are a threat continues to increase. Not only are they causing havoc around airports, on beaches, and over fires, they’re also being used by hackers to crack into computer networks in skyscrapers.Read More
There are more people hired by the Chinese government to censor the internet than the entire population of Nebraska. Now, the Communist regime is stepping up its censorship game even further by makingĀ “network security officers” that will work with Chinese websites and web firms to hunt down those committing such crimes as spreading rumors. Seriously.Read More
Between the Republicans, the Israelis, and a good chunk of the United States population, President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have their work cut out for them to get the Iran deal sold and delivered. The last place where they want or even expect opposition is from Democrats in the House of...Read More
Two weeks ago, an Iranian frigate aimed its deck machine guns at a US helicopter landing on a coalition ship. What was perceived as a possible threat switched to a strange tension when the helicopter pilots noticed that there was a cameraman standing behind the gunner on the Iranian ship.Read More
Politics can be an ugly game when it comes to finances during elections. The system is clearly broken but the people who can change it benefit by not changing it. The whole system is very broken. This was made more clear today as the head of a Rand Paul super PAC was indicted for 2012...Read More
Last week’s blue moon brought more than astronomers and stargazers out to see. Apparently, it brought some sort of cult killers to play in Pensacola, Florida, leaving three people dead in what officials are calling a likely “ritualistic killing” style.Read More
While the conservative side of the worldwide political machine has been railing against the United Nations’ deal with Iran to lift sanctions in exchange for curtailing their nuclear weapons program, those on the other side of the fence have been fighting the notion that it’s a bad deal. The number of people supporting it seems...Read More
One plus two might equal three, but the controversial OnePlus 2 smartphone equaled 30,000 units sold in just over a minute when it was released in China today. It took 64 seconds for the initial round to completely sell out.Read More
There were simpler times in the past when it came to cybersecurity. The two primary types of hackers – those looking for financial gain and those wanting to cause mayhem – kept the targeting relatively isolated. It was easy to predict what could be a likely target to cybercrime.Read More